1. (a) structure; (a) construction; (a) makeup

    構造的[上の] structural

    • 上部[下部]構造
    • 〔経済学で〕「the superstructure [the substructure]
    • 二重[社会]構造
    • (a) dual [social] structure
    • 新型車に構造上の欠陥が見つかった
    • A structural defect was found in the new-model car.
    • ロボットの構造は複雑だ
    • Robots are 「structurally complicated [complex in structure].
    • 人が入りやすいように店の構造を変えた
    • I had the layout of the store changed so that people would feel freer [it easier] to enter.
    • これらの団体は構造的にはあまり異ならない
    • These organizations are not very different from one another in makeup.
  1. 構造遺伝子a structural gene
  1. 構造汚職structural corruption
  1. 構造改革(a) structural reform [change]
    • 教育制度の構造改革が必要だ
    • The education system is in need of structural reform.
  1. 構造言語学structural linguistics
  1. 構造式〔化学で〕a structural formula ((複 - ~s, - -lae))
  1. 構造主義structuralism
  1. 構造主義者a structuralist
  1. 構造性地震a tectonic earthquake
  1. 構造不況a structural recession
  1. 構造物a structure
  1. 構造方程式a structural equation

