油断する 〔不注意である〕be careless ((about));〔警戒を怠る〕be off (one's) guard ((toward))

    • あの人はいつも油断がない
    • He is always on (his) guard.
    • 油断なく仕事をしなさい
    • Don't be negligent [careless] in your work./Be careful in your work.
    • 消費者団体は便乗値上げはないかと油断なく見張っていた
    • Consumer groups were constantly on the lookout for cases of price gouging.
    • 油断に乗じられてまんまとだまされた
    • Caught off guard, I fell for the trick completely.
    • 油断していて不意をつかれた
    • I was caught napping.
    • あの男に油断するな
    • Don't take your eye(s) off that man./Be careful of that man.
    • 油断するとまた病気になりますよ
    • If you aren't careful, you'll get sick again.
    • 油断しているすきに財布をすられた
    • I had my pocket picked 「in an unguarded moment [when I was off (my) guard].
    • 東京は油断もすきもないところだ
    • You 「cannot be too careful [have to be constantly on your guard] in Tokyo.
  1. 油断大敵Carelessness [Overconfidence] is our greatest enemy.(▼overconfidenceは自信過剰)

