1. 〔男〕an old man;〔女〕an old woman;〔総称〕the aged, the elderly;〔遠回しに〕a senior citizen
    • 老人優先席
    • a seat for which the elderly are given preference
    • 70歳以上の老人に特別の割引がある
    • There is a special discount for people of seventy and over.
  1. 老人医学geriatrics
  1. 老人医療geriatric medicine; the medical treatment (and care) of old people
    • 老人医療無料制度
    • free medical care for the aged
  1. 老人学gerontology
  1. 老人差別ageism
  1. 老人性認知症senile dementia
  1. 老人性白内障(a) senile cataract
  1. 老人パワー《米》 gray power
  1. 老人病the diseases [infirmities] of old age
  1. 老人病院a geriatric hospital
  1. 老人病学geriatrics
  1. 老人福祉welfare (service) for 「the elderly [senior citizens]
  1. 老人ホームa home for the aged [elderly]; a nursing home

