1. (a) cancellation; (a) dissolution; (an) annulment ((of a contract))

    解約する cancel; dissolve; annul ((a contract));〔保険などを〕surrender ((an insurance policy))

    • 銀行の口座を解約する
    • close a bank account
    • 定期預金を(満期前に)解約する
    • withdraw a fixed deposit before maturity
    • 5日のホテルの予約を解約したい
    • I would like to cancel my hotel reservation for the 5th.
    • この商品は8日以内なら解約できる
    • You can return this article if you change your mind within eight days.
  1. 解約金a cancellation fee
  1. 解約払戻金cancel returns;〔保険解約時の〕surrender value, cash surrender
  1. 解約予告a notice of cancellation

