1. 1
    • 人波に阻まれて進退の自由がきかなかった
    • In the crowd of people I was unable to move.
  1. 2〔挙動〕behavior,《英》 behaviour;〔行動〕one's course of action
    • 進退を決する
    • decide one's course of action
    • 進退を共にする
    • 〔人と共に行動する〕 《文》 act in concert with ((a person))/〔人と運命・生死を共にする〕 《文》 cast one's lot in with ((a person))
    • 彼が進退よろしきを得たため何事も起こらなかった
    • He 「acted so wisely [chose such a good course of action] that there was no trouble.
    • 議論のさなかで進退極まった
    • He was driven into a corner during the argument.
  1. 3〔去就〕
    • この件は大臣の進退に関する重大問題だ
    • This is a vital matter which will affect the Minister's ability to remain in office.
  1. 進退伺いa resignation
    • 事故の責任を感じて彼は進退伺いを出した
    • 「Holding himself [Feeling] responsible for the accident, he indicated his desire to resign.

