be related ((to));have a relation(ship) ((to, with))
- 国際[外交]関係
- international [diplomatic] relations
- 需要と供給の関係
- the relation(ship) between supply and demand
- 出版関係の仕事
- work 「related to [connected with] publishing
- 二国間の関係は改善された
- The relations between the two countries have been improved.
- 非行問題は家庭環境に関係付けて考えるべきだ
- We should consider the problem of delinquency in relation to the home environment.
- クラブとはとっくに関係を断っています
- I severed my connection with the club long ago.
- この言葉の意味は文の前後関係から明らかだ
- The meaning of this word is clear from its context.
- この二つの出来事には密接な関係がある
- These two events are closely related [connected].
- 彼はこの事業にいくらか利害関係がある
- He has some interest in this undertaking.
- 年齢に関係なくコンテストに出場できる
- You can enter the contest regardless [irrespective] of age.
- 君の意見はこの件とは関係がない
- Your remarks 「are irrelevant to [have nothing to do with] this matter.