1. 〔会うこと〕a meeting;〔会見〕an interview

    面会する 〔会って話をする〕see;〔協議などのために会う〕meet;〔会見する〕have an interview ((with))

    • だれも病人と面会できなかった
    • No one was allowed to see the patient.
    • 記者が面会を求めてきたら断ってくれ
    • If any reporters come asking for an interview with me, turn them down.
    • 大統領となんとか面会できた
    • I managed to meet [have an interview with] the President.
  1. 面会時間visiting hours; office hours
  1. 面会謝絶〔表示〕No Visitors
    • 患者は今日は面会謝絶だ
    • The patient is not allowed to have visitors today.
  1. 面会人a visitor
    • ご面会人です
    • There is a gentleman [lady] (who wants) to see you.
  1. 面会日〔家にいて迎える日〕an at-home day, a receiving day;〔訪問日〕a visiting day

