1. 1〔骨〕a bone
  1. 2〔遺骨〕ashes; remains
    • お骨を拾う
    • gather a person's ashes
  1. 骨壺つぼan urn; a cinerary urn
  1. 骨密度((measure a person's)) bone density
    • 骨密度が低いですね
    • Your bone density is lower than that of a typical individual of your age and sex.
  1. I
  1. 1〔人間・動物の〕a bone
    • 骨の多い
    • bony
    • 骨のない
    • boneless
    • いわしを骨ごと食べた
    • I ate the sardine, bones and all.
    • 魚の骨がのどに刺さった
    • A fish bone got stuck in my throat.
    • はしで上手に魚の骨を取り除いた
    • She deftly separated the fish meat from the bones with her chopsticks.
    • 肩の骨を外した
    • He dislocated his shoulder.
    • 倒れて腕の骨を折った
    • He fell and broke (a bone in) his arm.
    • 骨を接ぐ
    • set broken bones
  1. 2〔器具・建造物などの骨組み・枠〕a frame;〔傘などの〕a rib
    • この傘はぼろぼろだが骨はまだしっかりしている
    • This umbrella is in tatters but the ribs are still in good condition.
    • その家は焼けて骨だけ残った
    • The house burned down and only its shell [frame(work)/skeleton] remained.
  1. II
  1. 1〔大綱〕an outline;〔物事の中心〕 《米》 the core ((of)) ⇒ほねぐみ(骨組み)II
    • 彼の次の小説はまだ骨だけだ
    • His next novel is still in rough outline form.
  1. 2〔気骨,気概〕backbone; spirit
    • あの男には骨がある
    • He has fortitude [spirit].
    • あいつは骨がない
    • The fellow is weak-willed./He doesn't have any backbone.
  1. 3〔苦労〕
    • 今日中にこの仕事を終わらせるのはかなり骨だ
    • It would be very hard for me to finish the work today.
    • 骨が折れる仕事
    • a difficult task/laborious [painstaking] work
    • 彼の主張を理解するのに骨が折れた
    • I had a hard time trying to understand what he was advocating.
  1. 骨が舎利になってもeven if it costs one's life
    • 大飢饉で人々は骨と皮ばかりになっている
    • Owing to a severe famine, the inhabitants of the area 「are now skin and bones [have been reduced to skeletons].
    • 父の忠告を骨に刻んだ
    • I took my father's warning to heart.
    • 北風が冷たくて骨にしみるようだった
    • The north wind was so chilly that I felt as if it were piercing meto the bone [to the marrow (of my bones)].
    • 父母の情愛がようやく骨に徹してわかった
    • 「I finally realized [It finally came home to me] how much my parents loved me.
    • 勇んで山へ出かけて行った若者が骨になって帰ってきた
    • The young man went mountain climbing in high spirits, but it was only his remains that came home.
    • あの頑固親父もとうとう骨になってしまった
    • That headstrong old man 「has passed away [has gone the way of all flesh] at last.
    • 年老いた親を家から追い出したとは骨の髄まで腐ったやつに違いない
    • He must be rotten to the core to have driven his old parents out of the house.
    • 彼のしんらつな言葉が骨の髄までこたえた
    • His sharp remark stung me to the quick.
    • 彼女は悪徳高利貸しに骨までしゃぶられた
    • She 「lost everything she had to [《口》 was sucked dry by] a loan shark.
    • この鉱山で労働者は酷使され骨までしゃぶられた
    • The workers at this mine were exploited and worked to death.
    • ブラジルの地に骨を埋める覚悟で日本を後にした
    • I left Japan determined to make Brazil my final home.
    • この職場で骨を埋める気はない
    • I have no intention of staying on at [in] my present job permanently./I don't want to spend my whole life at this job.
    • あの娘は骨を惜しまずよく働く
    • That girl works hard without sparing herself.
    • 彼女は友人を助けるのに骨を惜しまなかった
    • She spared no pains to help her friend.
  1. 骨を折るtake pains ((to do)) ⇒ほねおり(骨折り)ほねおる(骨折る)
    • 学級担任の先生が生徒の就職のために骨を折ってくれた
    • The homeroom teacher went to great pains to help his students find jobs.
    • 彼らは骨を折って指定の日までに商品を届けた
    • By making a great effort they managed to deliver the goods by the appointed date.
  1. 骨を拾う1〔火葬にして遺骨を納める〕gather ((a person's)) ashes
    • 私が死んだらだれが骨を拾ってくれるだろうか
    • 〔埋葬する〕When I die, who will mourn and bury me?
  2. 骨を拾う2〔死後の後始末をする〕
    • Who will
    • look after my affairs [take care of things] after my death?
  1. 骨を休めるtake a rest; take time off ⇒ほねやすめ(骨休め)
  1. 骨仕事hard [backbreaking] work

