be in good [bad, poor] shape
be in no shape to do
bent out of shape
1 (酒・麻薬に)酔った,ふらふらの 2 ((米俗))怒っている,取り乱した
come in all shapes and sizes
get [put] A into shape
get oneself into shape
give shape to A
in many (different) shapes and forms
in shape
1 形状は(⇒名1) 2 ((略式))本来の[正常な]状態にある,好調で,快調で How do you stay [keep] in shape?よい体調を維持するには?
in the shape of A
A(物・事)の形で[に] The narrative is presented in the shape of a long letter.物語は長い手紙の形を取っている
lick [knock, get, whip] A into shape
not in any shape (or form)
((略式))どんな形でも…ない,少しも…ない(in no shape) It doesn't work in any shape or form.それは何の役にも立たない
out of shape
((略式)) 1 形がくずれて;ぶくぶく太って 2 体調が悪くて
take shape
1 〈建物などが〉形[姿]になる 2 〈考え・計画などが〉具体化する,(…で)決まった形をとる≪in≫
the shape of things to come
shape up
((略式)) 1 自((特に英))スリムになる,シェイプアップする;他〈人を〉スリムに[減量]させる 2 自進展[展開]する,(…に)なる≪as,to be≫,(…の)準備が整う≪for≫ 2a 自...