bring A back [down] to earth (with a bang [a bump])
come back [down] to earth (with a bang [a bump])
cost [pay, charge] the earth
down to earth
1 現実的な,実際的な 2 〔副詞的に〕((略式))率直に,遠慮会釈なく;徹底的に
like nothing on earth
on earth
1 地上で[に];この世で[に] the biggest on earthこの世で最も大きい 2 〔疑問文・否定文で;強意〕((略式))いったいぜんたい;全然,ちっとも(…ない)(at all)...
promise (A) the earth
run [go] to earth
((英)) 1 〈キツネなどが〉穴に逃げる 2 〈ゲリラなどが〉隠れる
run A to earth
((英)) 1 A(キツネなど)を穴に追い込む 2 Aを追い詰める,捕える;捜し出す,跡を突き止める
tread this earth
wipe A off the face of the earth