cut the ground from under A [A's feet]
down to the ground
((英略式))まったく,十分に,完全に It suits me (right) down to the ground.それこそ私にぴったりだ
from the ground up
gain ground
1 支持[人気]を得る,賛成[承認]される 2 (競争相手などに)迫る≪on≫
get off the ground
1 離陸する 2 〈事が〉うまくスタートする
get A off the ground
1 Aを離陸させる 2 A(事)をうまくスタートさせる
go [run] to ground
1 〈キツネなどが〉穴に逃げ込む 2 ((英))(警察などから)身を隠す
hit the ground running
lose [give] ground
1 人気[勢力]を失う 2 (…に)負ける,押される≪to≫
make up ground
on one's own ground
on the ground
prepare [lay] the ground
run A into the ground
(激しい仕事などで)A(人)をくたくたにさせる;A(物)をだめにする run the horse [the car] into the ground馬[車]を乗りつぶす
run [drive, work] oneself into the ground
run A to ground
((英)) 1 A(キツネなど)を穴に追い込む 2 Aを捜し出す,Aの跡を突き止める;Aを追い詰める,捕える
thick [thin] on the ground
ground out