come [amount] to the same thing
much [about] the same
ほぼ同じ The patient is about the same.病人はほとんど変わりありません They are about the same age.彼らはほぼ同じ年齢だ
all [just] the same
1 それでも,やはり I am a bit busy, but I am glad you came to visit, all the same.私は少し忙しいがそれでもあなたが訪ねてきてくれて...
more of the same
Same here.
((略式))私も同じだよ(Me too.)
(the) same to you
((略式))同じくね;それはお互いさま,そっちこそ(◆Merry Christmas!,Have a nice day!などのあいさつや侮蔑の言葉を返すときに用いる)
to [from] the same
same as A
same old, same old