1. 1〔残る〕be left (over)
    • 9を2で割ると商が4で1余る
    • When nine is divided by two, the answer is four with a remainder of one./When you divide nine by two, you get four with one left over.
    • 先週は小遣いが全然余らなかった
    • 「Nothing was left of [I used up all] my pocket money last week.
    • ご飯がたくさん余った
    • A lot of rice was left over.
    • ブリッジをするには1人余った
    • We had one person too many to play bridge.
    • 金は余るほどある
    • We have more money than 「we can spend [we know what to do with].
    • 余った仕事[金]
    • the remainder of the work [money]
    • 余った分を私によこしなさい
    • Give me what is left over.
    • 余った金は銀行に預ける
    • We deposit our surplus money in the bank.
    • 余った時間なんてない
    • I have no time to spare.
  1. 2〔まさる〕surpass;〔力が及ばない〕be beyond one's power
    • その渓谷の壮大な眺めは想像に余る
    • The spectacular view of the canyon surpasses the imagination.
    • 車は勢い余って柵さくを突き破った
    • The car was going too fast to stop, and crashed through the fence.
    • 彼の力に余るものは何もない
    • Nothing is beyond his ability.

