1. I〔整頓する〕put a thing in order;〔始末する〕dispose ((of));〔しまう〕put away
    • 部屋を片付ける
    • put a room in ordertidy [straighten] up a room
    • 机の上[引き出しの中]を片付ける
    • tidy up a desk [drawer]
    • テーブルの皿を片付ける
    • clear (the dishes from) the table
    • がらくたを片付ける
    • dispose of junk
    • いすを部屋の隅に片付けた
    • He moved the chairs to a corner of the room.
    • 聞き終わったCDを片付けた
    • I put away the CDs I had finished listening to.
  1. II
  1. 1〔終わらせる〕finish;〔解決する〕settle;〔始末をつける〕dispose ((of))
    • 彼女はてきぱきと仕事を片付けた
    • She finished off her work efficiently.
    • 彼は何でも「よし」という一言で片付けてしまう
    • He just disposes of everything with“OK.”
    • この件をできるだけ早く片付けてしまいたい
    • I'd like to have this matter settled [disposed of/taken care of] as soon as possible.
    • 彼は皿の上のものを全部片付けた
    • He 「ate up [finished/polished off] all the food on the plate.
  1. 2〔嫁にやる〕
    • 娘を弁護士のところへ片付けた
    • He married (off) his daughter to a lawyer.
  1. 3〔邪魔者を排除する〕
    • あいつは邪魔だ.片付けてしまえ
    • He is in our way. 「Do away with him [Finish him off].
    • 暴力団に片付けられたらしいよ
    • He seems to have been liquidated [《口》 bumped off] by a gang of racketeers.

