1. 〔五感により意識する〕notice, become aware ((of)),perceive;〔悟る〕realize; discover;〔感づく〕sense, suspect
    • 彼はだれかが後について来るのに気付いた
    • He noticed [became aware] that someone was following him.
    • 彼女は近づく危険に気付いていた
    • She was aware of the approaching danger.
    • 彼がいらいらしていることにすぐ気付いた
    • I sensed his irritation immediately.
    • 財布をなくしたのに気付いた
    • I discovered [realized] that I had lost my wallet.
    • 彼の容態の悪さに気付かなかった
    • I 「did not suspect [was unaware of] the seriousness of his case.
    • あまり背が高くなったので彼だとは気付かなかった
    • He'd grown so tall that I didn't recognize him.
    • 彼は彼女を傷付けているとは気付かなかった
    • It didn't occur to him [He didn't realize] that he was hurting her.
    • 彼の間違いはだれにも気付かれずに済んだ
    • His error passed unnoticed.
    • 彼に気付かれずに机の中を調べた
    • Without attracting his attention, I inspected the contents of his desk.

