1. 1〔難儀する〕be in trouble [difficulty];〔苦境にある〕be in a fix;〔ひどい目に遭う〕have a hard time
    • 日照り続きで困っていた
    • They were in trouble because of the long dry spell./They were suffering from a long drought.
    • 彼は経済的に困っている
    • He is in financial difficulties.
    • タイヤがパンクして困っています
    • I'm in a fix because I have a flat tire.
    • ひどい雨にあって困った
    • We were caught in a heavy rain and had a hard time of it.
    • 困ったことになった
    • We are in an awkward [embarrassing] position./〔皮肉に〕Things have come to a pretty pass./This is a nice business, indeed!/《米口》 This is a fine how-do-you-do.
    • 困ったことに彼は思いやりがない
    • The trouble is that he is not considerate of others.
    • なお困った事に彼は来なかった
    • 「To make matters worse [What was even worse], he didn't come.
    • 困った子[やつ]だ
    • He is 「a problem child [a nasty fellow].
    • 困った天気だね
    • What bad [wretched/terrible] weather!
  1. 2〔途方にくれる〕be at a loss ((for; what to do));〔当惑する〕be perplexed
    • 知らない土地で道に迷えばだれだって困る
    • Anybody would 「be at a loss what to do [feel helpless] if he got lost in a strange place.
    • どう答えたらよいか分からなくて困った
    • I was at a loss for an answer./I was perplexed because I didn't know what to answer.
    • 困った顔をして入ってきた
    • He came in with a distressed [troubled] look.

