1. 1〔ばらばらになる〕break, be broken;〔破壊される〕be destroyed;〔破損する〕be damaged
    • 窓ガラスが粉々に壊れた
    • The windowpane 「broke into [was smashed to] pieces.
    • それは壊れやすい
    • It breaks easily./It is fragile.
    • 壊れやすい物
    • a fragile article
    • 壊れた皿
    • a broken dish
    • 機械が壊れてしまった
    • The machine broke down.
    • 機械が壊れて直せそうもない
    • The machine is damaged beyond repair.
    • 衝突で彼の車はめちゃめちゃに壊れた
    • His car 「was badly smashed up [《米》 was totaled] in the crash
    • 地震で多くの家が壊れた
    • Many houses were destroyed [demolished] by the earthquake.
    • 壊れかかったあばら家
    • a tumble-down shack
    • いすが壊れかかっている
    • The chair is ready [about] to fall apart./《口》 The chair is on its last legs.
  1. 2〔物事がだめになる〕fall through;〔談判などが〕be broken off
    • 人手不足で計画は壊れた
    • The plan fell through due to a shortage of manpower.
    • 婚約は両親の反対で壊れた
    • The engagement was broken off because of their parents' opposition.

