1. 1〔推測する〕guess, gather, presume ((that))
    • 彼はよく人の心を察する
    • He is a good mind reader./He is good at guessing what other people are thinking.
    • 口ぶりから察すると,彼は名門の出らしい
    • Judging from the way he talks, I gather [presume] (that) he is from a distinguished family.
    • 彼の顔色から察すると,駄目だったらしい
    • From the way he looks, 「I would say [it would appear] that he failed.
  1. 2〔気付く〕sense ((that))
    • ただならぬ気配を察して彼は飛び起きた
    • Sensing that something was wrong, he leaped out of bed.
  1. 3〔思いやる〕sympathize with, feel for;〔想像する〕imagine
    • ご心中をお察しいたします
    • I sympathize with you very much./I feel for you very deeply.
    • 彼女の胸中を察するとじっとしていられない
    • Knowing how she feels [Because I empathize with her], I cannot possibly stand idly by.
    • 彼女の苦衷は察するに余りある
    • I can just imagine how deeply hurt she must be.

