1. 1〔動作〕behavior,《英》 behaviour; little things one does
    • あいつのしぐさが気にくわない
    • I don't like his behavior./I can't take [stand] the way he acts.
    • 彼女は優雅なしぐさで茶を注いだ
    • She poured the tea with graceful movements.
    • 女の子の仕草がかわいい
    • The little girl acts in a cute way.
    • あの気取った仕草
    • Such affected behavior!/His mannerisms are so affected.
  1. 2〔演技〕acting;〔身振り〕gestures
    • 劇のしぐさ
    • acting in a play
    • 子供はしぐさで母親にのどの渇きを訴えた
    • The child gestured to his mother that he was thirsty.
    • その俳優は女のしぐさがうまい
    • The actor 「plays the part [imitates the movements] of a woman very well.

