1. 1〔おそらく〕probably; perhaps; possibly; maybe(▼probablyが一番可能性が大きい.possibly, perhaps, maybeは可能性がそれより低い.maybeは口語的でperhapsは上品な感じ)
    • 「あした雨だろうか」「たぶんね」
    • “Will it rain tomorrow?”“Probably [I'm afraid so].”
    • たぶん合格するだろう
    • He will probably pass the examination.
    • たぶん日にちを忘れたんでしょう
    • Maybe [Perhaps] he has forgotten the date.
    • たぶんお役に立てると思います
    • I hope I can be of some help to you.
    • たぶんそのためにためらっているのだろう
    • 「That is possibly [That may be] the reason for his hesitation.
    • そんなことはたぶん起こらないだろう
    • That is 「not likely [unlikely] to happen.
  1. 2〔たくさん〕
    • 多分の寄付
    • generous donations
    • その水には塩分が多分に含まれていた
    • The water contained a large quantity of salt.
    • 戦争が起こりそうな恐れが多分にある
    • There is a very strong possibility that war will break out.
    • 彼の成功は多分に先生のお陰である
    • His success is due in large part to his teacher.

