1. sushi; vinegared rice topped with raw fish, or rolled in seaweed with various ingredients
    Sushi literally means vinegared rice, and refers to any dish made with such rice. While often used synonymously with nigiri-zushi, in fact sushi comes in many different shapes and with a great variety of ingredients. Nigiri-zushi is bite-sized hand-pressed lump of rice, topped with a slice of fresh fish or other seafood, and with a dab of wasabi (horseradish) between the rice and the fish. It is enjoyed dipped in soy sauce. Other types of sushi include maki-zushi (a sushi roll), sushi rice rolled in nori (a sheet of dried laver) with other ingredients such as sweet omelet (tamagoyaki) and seasoned strips of gourd (kanpyo); inari-zushi, sushi rice stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu skin; oshi-zushi, sushi rice and other ingredients pressed together in a wooden mold; and chirashi-zushi, a bowl of sushi rice with other ingredients mixed into, or spread over the top of, the rice. Sushi restaurants in general fall into the high-price range, while fast-food kaiten-zushi, or conveyer-belt sushi restaurants, offer nigiri-zushi at moderate prices and appeal to families.
  1. すし種a sushi topping
  1. すし屋〔店〕a sushi shop;〔カウンター式の〕a sushi bar
  1. すし詰めすし詰め

