1. I
  1. 1〔左と右〕right and left
    • 左右をよく見て道を渡りなさい
    • Look both ways carefully before you cross the road.
    • 橋のところで我々は左右に別れた
    • At the bridge we parted and went off in opposite directions.
  1. 2〔両側〕
    • 左右にお供を従えて
    • with retainers on either side
    • 通りの左右に
    • on 「both sides [either side] of the street
  1. II
  1. 1〔あいまいなこと〕
    • 言を左右にする
    • quibble ((over, about))/equivocate
  1. 2〔支配する〕control
    • 一国の運命を左右する
    • control [decide] the fate of a nation
    • 感情に左右される
    • be [get] carried away by one's emotions
  1. 3〔影響する〕influence
    • 友達に左右されやすい人だ
    • He is easily influenced [swayed] by his friends.
  1. 左右相称symmetry
  2. 左右相称左右相称の symmetrical

