- I
- 1〔速いこと〕swiftness; rapidity
急な(に) swift(ly); rapid(ly)
- 海峡の流れが急だ
- There is a swift [rapid] current in the straits.
- 寒冷前線の通過で気温が急に下がった
- The temperature 「dropped quickly [plummeted] with the arrival of a cold front.
- 2〔突然〕suddenness; abruptness ⇒とつぜん(突然)
急な(に) sudden(ly); abrupt(ly)(▼suddenlyは物事が不意に起こることを強調する.abruptlyは予告・気配もなく起こることを強調,不快な結果を招くことが多い)
- 彼のプロポーズがひどく急だったのでまごついた
- His proposal of marriage came so suddenly that [His proposal came completely out of the blue, and] I was caught off balance.
- 彼女は急な来客であわてた
- The unexpected caller put her in a flurry.
- 父の容体が急に変わった
- My father's illness took a sudden turn for the worse.
- 停車が急だった
- It was an abrupt stop.
- 彼は急に立ち止まった
- He stopped short [all of a sudden].
- 3〔即時〕immediacy;〔緊急〕urgency
急な(に) immediate(ly)
- これは急を要する問題だ
- This requires immediate attention./This is an urgent problem.
- 急に金が入用になった
- I found myself in urgent need of money.
- 4〔鋭い角度〕sharpness;〔けわしい傾斜〕steepness
急な sharp; steep
- 次のカーブは急だから注意して運転しろ
- There is a sharp bend ahead, so drive carefully.
- この階段は急だ
- The stairs here are very steep.
- ここから頂上までは急な登り道だ
- The ascent from here to the top [summit] is 「very steep [precipitous].
- II〔事変〕(an) emergency
- 常時,急に備えよ
- We should always be prepared for 「the worst [an emergency].
- 彼は会社の急を救った
- He rescued the company at a time of crisis.
- 政界の風雲急を告げる
- The political situation looks threatening.
- 仕事は急ピッチで進んでいる
- The work is going ahead at fever pitch.
- 子供を見て急ブレーキをかけた
- Seeing the child, I slammed on the brakes.