1. 1〔感情,気持ち〕feeling;〔心情〕sentiment
    • 彼は情が激して絶句してしまった
    • He was so upset that he couldn't go on speaking./Unable to control his emotions, he broke off speaking.
    • 情をこめて話す
    • speak with feeling
    • 懐旧の情
    • nostalgia
    • 情において彼を解雇できなかった
    • I couldn't find it in my heart to fire him.
  1. 2〔情け,情愛〕humane feeling
    • 情が深い[薄い]人
    • a warm-hearted [cold-hearted] person
    • 彼女から情のこもった贈り物をもらった
    • I had a thoughtful present from her.
    • 彼はたいへん情にもろい
    • He is very 「easily moved [《文》 susceptible].(▼easily movedは感動しやすい,susceptibleは感じやすい)
  1. 3〔愛情〕heart, affection;〔異性への〕love, one's heart
    • 夫婦の情
    • the love [attachment] between husband and wife
    • 一緒に仕事をしているうちにだんだん彼女に情が移ってきた
    • After working with her for some time, I gradually became attached to her.
  1. 情を通じる1〔内通する〕
    • 敵に情を通じる
    • leak inside information to the enemy
  2. 情を通じる2〔密通する〕have a love affair with ((a woman, a man))
    • 二人は情を通じるようになった
    • They [Their relationship] became intimate.

