1. loss and gain; profit and loss
    • 損得なしの取り引き
    • an even bargain [trade]
    • 損得ずくで
    • for mere gain/for mercenary reasons/out of mercenary motives
    • 損得はどうでもよい
    • I don't care a bit about making a profit./It doesn't matter whether I make money (on it) or not.
    • 彼の行動は損得を離れたものであった
    • He did it from disinterested motives.
    • あなたは自分の損得ばかり考えて行動する
    • You are always acting from selfish motives.
    • この企画の損得は充分計算ずみだ
    • We've calculated thelosses and gains [pluses and minuses] of this new project as carefully as we can.

