1. 1〔道理に反すること〕無理な unreasonable;〔不自然な〕unnatural
    • 無理な[無理からぬ]要求
    • 「an unreasonable [a reasonable] demand
    • 無理を言うな
    • Be reasonable./Don't be unreasonable.
    • 彼が憤慨するのも無理からぬことだ
    • It is natural that he should be indignant.
    • 彼が怒ったのは無理もない
    • It's no wonder he got angry.
    • ご無理ごもっとも
    • It's just as you say.
  1. 2〔不可能〕
    • その仕事は一人では無理だ
    • The job is too much for one person.
    • 彼に大金をかせげと言ったって無理な注文だ
    • It is asking 「the impossible [too much] to tell him to make a lot of money.
    • 君のしていることは無理だ
    • You are trying to do the impossible.
    • いくら頼まれても今は無理だよ
    • You can beg all you want, but I can't do it now.
  1. 3〔強いること〕
    • 無理に通り抜ける
    • force one's way through ((the crowd))
    • 彼女から無理に時計を取り上げた
    • He took her watch away by force.
    • いらないものを無理に買わされた
    • I was forced to buy something I didn't need.
    • 無理にとは言わないが…
    • I won't insist, but...
    • 無理なお願いかも知れませんが…
    • I may be asking too much of you, but...
    • 無理して金などいらないふりをしなくてもいい
    • You don't have to bend over backwards pretending you don't need money.
  1. 4〔過度,過労〕
    • 無理をしたのが体にこたえ始めた
    • Overwork [The strain] began to tell on my health.
    • この年ではもう無理がきかない
    • I am no longer young enough to push myself too hard.
    • 無理するな
    • Take it easy.
    • 無理な散財をさせて済まなかった
    • I'm sorry to have made you spend so much.
    • その家を買うのにだいぶ無理をしたらしい
    • He seems to have paid more than he could really afford for the house.
    • 株でもうけようとしているが常々無理はしないようにしている
    • He is trying to make money on the stock market, but he's always careful not to overextend himself.
  1. 無理が通れば道理(が)引っ込むWhen might is right, then (of) justice there is none.
  1. 無理往生無理強い
  1. 無理押し無理押しする do ((something)) forcibly; push ((something)) through (by force)
    • 今無理押ししたら通るものも通らなくなる
    • If we push too hard for it now, we might kill whatever chance it has of passing.
    • 無理算段する
    • scrape together ((a sum of money))/strain one's credit to raise ((1,000 dollars))
    • 無理強いに
    • by force
    • 無理強いする
    • force a person ((to do))/《口》 force ((something)) down a person's throat
  1. 無理式an irrational expression
  1. 無理心中a forced 「double suicide [suicide pact]
  2. 無理心中無理心中する force a joint suicide ((on))
  1. 無理数an irrational number
  2. 無理数無理数の irrational
    • 人に無理難題を吹っ掛ける
    • make an unreasonable demand of a person
  1. 無理方程式an irrational equation
  1. 無理無体無理無体に by force; forcibly
    • 無理無体に承知させられた
    • I was forced to consent.
  1. 無理遣り無理やりに by force; against one's will; willy-nilly
    • 彼らは無理やりに彼にうそをつかせた
    • They compelled [forced] him to lie.
    • 彼女は無理やりに子供から引き離された
    • She was taken away from her child 「by force [against her will].

