無礼な 〔無作法な〕impolite;〔粗野な〕rude;〔礼儀を守らない〕uncivil;〔ずうずうしい〕impertinent

    • 無礼なことを言う
    • say rude things/use abusive language
    • 無礼な態度をとる
    • be rude ((to))/act disrespectfully ((to))
    • 彼は無礼にも彼女をひじで押しのけた
    • He was rude [impolite] enough to elbow her aside.
    • そんな無礼な質問には答えられない
    • I can't answer such impertinent questions.
    • あの青年は無礼にも私の娘を嫁にくれと言ってきた
    • That young man had the impudence to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage.
    • ご無礼の段何とぞお許しください
    • I humbly apologize for my lack of courtesy.
    • 無礼講にしよう
    • Let's do without the formalities and make ourselves at home.
  1. 無礼者a rude fellow; an insolent [impudent] person
    • 無礼者め
    • You rude bastard [((女)) bitch]!(▼両方とも下品なののしり)

