生意気な 〔こしゃくな〕impertinent, saucy,《口》 smart-alecky,《米口》 sassy, pert(▼主に若い女性に用いる);〔厚かましい〕impudent, cheeky(▼impudentより口語的)
- 生意気なやつ
- 「an impertinent [a saucy] fellow
- なんて生意気な
- What (a) nerve!/What cheek!
- 生意気千万だ
- He's got plenty of cheek [《口》 nerve/《口》 gall].
- 生意気な言葉
- impertinent [《口》 cheeky/saucy] remarks
- 彼の生意気な態度は我慢できない
- I can't stand his impudence [cocky attitude].
- 生意気なことを言う
- talk saucily [《米俗》 fresh]/say a saucy thing
- 生意気言うな
- None [Don't give me any] of your cheek!
- 生意気を言うようですが,そうしないほうがいいでしょう
- Excuse me for being forward, but wouldn't it be better not to do that?
- 生意気に押し通す
- 《口》 brazen it out
- 生意気にも私に指図した
- He 「had the insolence [was impudent enough] to give me directions.