1. 1〔金・品物が納入される〕
    • 注文品は期日通りに納まった
    • The articles on order were delivered by the promised day.
  1. 2〔ある任に落ち着く〕
    • 会長の椅子に納まる
    • settledown to [into] the post of president
    • 彼はすっかり重役に納まり返っている
    • He is quite content(ed) with the post of director.
    • 彼は元の地位に納まった
    • He was reinstated in his former position.
  1. 3〔納得する,満足する〕
    • あんな侮辱を受けて彼は納まるまい
    • He won't stomach [put up with] that insult.
    • そんな返事では納まるまい
    • They won't be satisfied with that answer./They won't take that for an answer.

