1. 1〔予想する〕expect ((a person to do));anticipate ((doing))
    • 寒い冬を見込んで灯油を余分に買った
    • Anticipating [Expecting/In anticipation of] a cold winter, we bought extra kerosene.
  1. 2〔当てにする〕count on
    • 僕は国元からの送金を見込んで安心している
    • I don't have to worry since I can count on remittances from home.
  1. 3〔期待する〕trust
    • 君を友人と見込んで頼みがある
    • Trusting 「you as a friend [in your friendship], I would like to ask a great favor of you.
    • あなたはさすがに私が見込んだだけのことはある
    • You've 「come up to [fulfilled] my expectations.
    • 社長に見込まれて欧州へ出張した
    • He won the president's confidence and was sent to Europe on business.
    • 彼に見込まれてはありがた迷惑だ
    • What a bother to have him expecting great things of me.
  1. 4〔見積もる〕estimate;〔考慮に入れる〕make allowances ((for))
    • 利益を3割と見込んだ
    • We estimated the profit at 30 percent.
    • 道路の混雑を見込んで早めに出掛けた
    • Allowing for 「heavy traffic [a traffic jam], I started early.
    • 昼食に1時間は見込んでおいたほうがいい
    • We had better allow an hour for lunch.
  1. 5〔狙う〕
    • 泥棒に見込まれた家
    • a house a thief has his eye on
    • 彼に見込まれたら百年目だ
    • Once he marks you as a victim, there will be no escape for you.
    • 彼は蛇に見込まれた蛙のように身をすくめた
    • He cowered like a frog which has been spotted by a snake.

