1. 1〔陰暦7月15日〕the fifteenth day of the seventh month according to the lunar calendar
  1. 2〔贈り物の習慣〕traditional midyear gift-giving
  1. 3〔贈り物〕a midyear gift
    Chugen is the mid-summer gift-giving season, and also refers to the gifts themselves. It is the custom in Japan to give gifts to those who have been helpful, and during the first two weeks of July department stores and supermarkets are busy with people who come to shop for suitable presents. Gift certificates, beer, soap, coffee, canned food, cooking oil and confectionary are among the best-selling items.There is one other gift-giving season, called seibo, which comes at the end of the year.
    • 中元のやりとり
    • an exchange of midyear [Bon Festival] presents

