〔完全に破壊する〕destroy ((a city)) completely;〔絶滅させる〕annihilate ((the enemy));〔主として有害な動植物を絶滅させる〕exterminate ((fruit flies))
- 大震災で市は全滅した
- The city was completely destroyed by the great earthquake.
- 我がチームは全滅だった
- Our team suffered a total defeat.
- その野鳥は全滅寸前である
- That species of bird is on the verge of extinction.
- 象は密猟者のために全滅してしまうかもしれない
- The elephant population may be wiped out by poachers.
- うちは流感で一家全滅だ
- All my family are down with the flu.