1. 1〔陳述〕 ((make)) a statement;〔伝言〕 ((deliver)) a (verbal) message
    • 仲人は花嫁の両親に結婚祝いの口上を述べた
    • The go-between offered words of congratulation to the bride's parents.
    • 前口上が長い
    • It takes him a long time to come to the point.
    • それは彼の逃げ口上だった
    • He was simply trying to make excuses.
  1. 2〔演劇の〕a prologue; an (oral) introduction
    • 口上を述べる
    • deliver a prologue/make an introductory speech on the stage
    • 彼は猿之助襲名の口上を述べた
    • He made an oral statement announcing his succession to the (stage) name of Ennosuke.
  1. 口上書a verbal note

