1. 1〔共和国の元首〕a president; the President(▼特定の大統領をさす)
    • 副大統領
    • a vice-president;the Vice-President
    • 故ケネディ大統領
    • the late President Kennedy
    • 大統領夫人
    • the President's wife/《米》 the First Lady
    • 大統領に選ばれる
    • be elected President
    • 大統領に指名される
    • be nominated for the presidency
  1. 2〔おだてた呼び掛け〕
    • いよっ,大統領
    • Way to go, man!/Right on, man!/Yeah, man, all right!
  1. 大統領官邸the presidential residence [mansion];〔米国の〕the White House; the Executive Mansion
  1. 大統領教書a presidential message
  1. 大統領候補a candidate for the presidency; a presidential candidate
  1. 大統領執務室the president's office;〔米国の〕the Oval Office
  1. 大統領選挙a presidential election
    • 大統領選挙の年
    • a presidential-election year
  1. 大統領特使a (special) presidential envoy
  1. 大統領命令((by)) Executive Order
  1. 大統領予備選挙a presidential primary (election)

