1. 1〔次に位する〕be [come] next ((to)),be second ((to))
    • 彼女は彼に次ぐ地位にいる
    • She is [comes] next to him in rank.
    • 彼は知事に次ぐ実力者だ
    • He is the most influential man 「next to [after] the governor.
    • 英語に次いで数学が好きだ
    • My second favorite subject after English is mathematics.
  1. 2〔続く〕
    • 大雨に次いで台風が来た
    • The heavy rain was followed by a typhoon.
    • 地震に次いで火災が発生した
    • A fire 「broke out as a result of [《文》 ensued from] the earthquake.
    • 一家は不幸に次ぐ不幸に見舞われた
    • The family was hit by one misfortune after another./One misfortune visited the family on the heels of another.

