1. a (law) court; a court of justice [law]
    • 大法廷
    • the court en banc/the full court [bench]/the grand bench
    • 小法廷
    • a regular panel/a petty bench
    • 軍事法廷
    • a military courta court martial (board)
    • 法廷は4月1日から開く
    • Court will convene on April 1.
    • 法廷は開廷中だ
    • The court is 「now in session [sitting now].
    • 事件を法廷に持ち出した
    • They brought the case before the court.
    • その事件を法廷に持ち出さずに解決した
    • They settled the affair out of court.
    • 彼は明日法廷に出頭する
    • He will appear in court tomorrow.
    • 彼と法廷で争った
    • We took him to court./We brought 「a suit [an action] against him.
    • その事件は法廷で解決した[係争中であった]
    • The case was resolved [pending] in court.
    • 法廷闘争に持ち込む
    • carry one's struggle into the courts [courtroom]
  1. 法廷侮辱罪contempt of court

