1. 1〔終わる〕be over;〔借金,勘定が〕be paid
    • 話は済んだ
    • They've finished their discussion./They've talked it out.
    • 試験が済んだ
    • My exams are over./I've finished my exams.
    • 手術が済んでから2日間は何も食べさせてくれない
    • I'm not allowed to eat anything for two days after the operation.
    • 準備は1日で済んだ
    • The preparations were completed in one day.
    • 済んだことをくよくよするな
    • ((諺)) Don't cry over spilt milk.
    • 済んだことは仕方がない
    • ((諺)) What is done cannot be undone./What's done is done.
    • ローンは今月で済む
    • I'll pay off my loan this month.
  1. 2〔間に合う〕
    • 11月はまだオーバーなしで済む
    • You can do without a heavy [winter] coat in November.
    • 君のノートを借りないで済みそうだ
    • I believe I can manage without borrowing your notes.
    • 本は彼に借りれば買わなくて済む
    • I won't have to buy the book if I borrow it from him.
    • 外国から注文するのにEメールを使えば出かけずに済む
    • If you use e-mail, you don't have to leave your house to order from abroad.
    • 社長が出席しなくても済むだろう
    • The president won't need to bother to attend.
  1. 3〔解決できる〕
    • これは金で済む問題ではない
    • This is not a matter that can be settled with money.
    • 示談で済ませられないのか
    • Can't you settle the matter out of court?
    • 罰金で済んだ
    • I got off with a fine.
    • 軽いけがで済んだ
    • I escaped with only minor injuries.
    • 謝れば済むと思ったら大間違いだぞ
    • If you think you can get off just by apologizing [saying you are sorry], you are greatly mistaken.
    • 気が済むまで殴ってくれ
    • Go on and hit me until you're satisfied.
  1. 4〔申し訳ない〕 ⇒すまない(済まない)すみません(済みません)

