a tanka; a traditional Japanese poem containing five lines of 5, 7, 5, 7 and 7 syllables, respectively
Tanka is one form of classical Japanese poetry, or waka. A tanka consists of five lines made up of 5, 7, 5, 7, and then 7 syllables, respectively, for a total of 31. Out of the approximately 4,500 poems included in the Manyoshu, the oldest existing anthology of Japanese poetry, more than 90 percent are tanka, and since the Heian era the terms“waka”and“tanka”have come to be used synonymously. Along with haiku, which developed later, tanka is one of the major genres of Japanese literature. 意訳:和歌の一つで,五七五七七という構成を取り,三十一文字みそひともじとも言われる.日本最古の和歌集である『万葉集』4,500余首のうち9割以上がこの歌体である.平安時代以降は和歌と言えば短歌を指すようになった.後に発展する俳句とともに日本の代表的な文学表現形式の一つである