Setsubun is the day to mark the change of seasons. While each season has its own setsubun day, nowadays this term refers specifically to the day before the first day of spring according to the old calendar, which falls on February 3 or 4. It is the custom to mount heads of sardines on sprigs of holly, and place them at the front door on that day to keep evil spirits away. On the evening of setsubun, people throw roasted soybeans in and around their homes, shouting “In with fortune! Out with evil!"This drives bad luck away and invites good luck in, or so it is traditionally believed. People then eat one bean for each year of their age, hoping for good health that year. 意訳:節分というと年に4回ある季節の変わり目のことであるが,特に2月3日か4日の立春の前日を指す.この日の夜,ひいらぎの枝にいわしの頭を差して戸口に挟み,煎った大豆を「鬼は外,福は内」の掛け声とともに家の中や庭にまき,邪気を祓い,幸せを呼び込む.また,無病息災を願って自分の年齢の数だけ大豆を食べる
the bean-scattering ceremony celebrating the coming of spring