1. 1〔できるだけ〕
    • せいぜい勉強しなさい
    • Study as hard as you can.
    • せいぜいおまけしておきますよ
    • I'll reduce the price as much as possible.
    • せいぜいお体をお大事に
    • Do take (very) good care of yourself.
  1. 2〔多く見積もって,高々〕at (the) most; at best;〔否定文で〕not more than
    • 少女はせいぜい10歳ぐらいだったと思う
    • I think the girl was ten at (the) most.
    • 出願者はせいぜい500人ぐらいだろう
    • There will be only about 500 applicants 「at the most [at best]./There won't be more than 500 applicants.
    • 後で地団太を踏むのがせいぜいだろう
    • At most, all he'll be able to do is stamp in vexation later.
    • この機械が持つのはせいぜい3年くらいでしょう
    • This machine will last for three years at the longest [《口》 outside].
    • せいぜい60点しかあげられない
    • I cannot give you more than sixty for your work./A sixty is about all I can give you.

