1. 1〔ある状態・作用が継続する〕continue;〔もちこたえる〕last
    • 会議は延々と続いた
    • The meeting continued [went on] interminably [forever].
    • 地価の高騰が続いた
    • The price of land 「continued to rise [kept rising/kept going up].
    • この天気はあしたまで続くかしら
    • Will this fine weather last [hold] till tomorrow?
    • 雨が5日も続いている
    • It has been raining a full five days.
    • 雪が10日間も降り続いた
    • It snowed for ten consecutive days.
    • 大売り出しは今日から3日間続く
    • The bargain sale will run for three days, beginning today.
    • 我が家には不幸が続いた
    • Recently we have had a run of bad luck in our family.
  1. 2〔次々に起こる〕
    • 3件の殺人事件が続いて起こった
    • Three murder cases occurred 「one after another [in succession/in a row].
    • このところ飛行機事故が続く
    • There 「have been a lot [has been quite a spate] of airplane accidents recently.
  1. 3〔通じる〕lead to [into];〔隣接する〕adjoin
    • この道は公会堂に続いている
    • This road leads to the public hall.
    • 居間は食堂に続いている
    • The living room adjoins the dining room.
    • この川はニューオーリンズまで続いている
    • This river flows all the way to New Orleans.
  1. 4〔すぐ後に起こる,来る〕follow; succeed
    • 長い好天が嵐あらしの後に続いた
    • A long spell of fine weather followed the storm.
    • 僕が先に行くから君らは後に続け
    • I will go first, and you follow [come after] me.
    • 彼に続いて辞表を提出した
    • After him, I was the next to hand in my resignation.
    • 前ページ[12ページ]より続く
    • Continued 「from the preceding page [from page 12].
    • 次ページへ続く
    • Continued on the following page.
    • 裏面[次ページ]へ続く
    • Over/《英》 PTO(▼Please turn over.の略)
    • 次回[次号]へ続く
    • To be continued./Continued.

