1. 1〔衣類の〕a sleeve; an arm
    • 上着の袖
    • the sleeve [arm] of a coat
    • 袖のないブラウス
    • a sleeveless blouse
    • 袖の長い[短い]シャツ
    • a long-sleeved [short-sleeved] shirt
    • 袖を引っ張って人を引き留める
    • hold a person by the sleeve
    • 袖を引く
    • pull at a person's sleeve
    • 袖をまくり上げる
    • roll [turn] up one's sleeves
    • この服はまだ袖を通していない
    • I haven't worn this dress yet.
    • ラグラン袖のコート
    • a coat with raglan sleeves
    • ちょうちん袖
    • puff [puffed] sleeves
    • 長袖
    • long sleeves
    • 七分袖
    • three-quarter sleeves
    • 半袖
    • short sleeves
  1. 2〔建物・舞台などの〕a wing
  1. 3〔机などの〕
    • 両そで机
    • a kneehole writing desk/a desk with drawers on both sides
    • あなたのそでにおすがりするよりほかはありません
    • All I can do is to 「appeal to [《文》 entreat] you for help.
  1. 袖にする1〔冷遇する〕treat ((a person)) coldly; give ((a person)) the cold shoulder
    • おじからそでにされたのを恨んでいた
    • She bore a grudge against her uncle for the cold way he had treated her.
    • 彼はみんなの機嫌をとろうとしていたのに完全に袖にされた
    • He was trying to get on everybody's good side but was left out completely.
  2. 袖にする2〔恋人などを捨てる〕
    • 恋人にそでにされてがっくりしている
    • He is dejected because he was jilted [《口》 dumped/《口》 ditched] by his girlfriend.
  1. 袖の下a bribe; money passed under the table
    • 人に袖の下を使う
    • bribe a person ((to do))/《口》 grease a person's palm
  1. 袖振り合うも他生の縁Even chance meetings are the result of karma.
  1. 袖を絞るshed profuse tears
  1. 袖を引く1〔誘う〕pull [tug] (at [on]) a person's sleeve
  2. 袖を引く2〔そっと注意する〕〔袖を引いて〕give a person's sleeve a warning tug;〔身振りで〕make a slight warning gesture
  1. ない袖は振れぬYou can't get a stocking off a bare foot./A man cannot give what he hasn't got.
  1. 袖裏the lining of a sleeve
  1. 袖口a cuff
  1. 袖ぐりan armhole
  1. 袖丈the length of a sleeve; sleeve length
    • 着物をそで畳みする
    • fold a kimono in a simple manner (putting the two sleeves together first)
  1. 袖付け〔袖ぐり〕an armhole
    • そで付けをする
    • attach a sleeve ((to the body of a shirt))

