1. an important point
    • 我が校は科学に重点を置いている
    • Our school places great importance [stress] on science.
    • 彼の演説は人の和の必要性に重点を置いていた
    • His speech emphasized [stressed/placed emphasis on] the need for harmony among people.
    • 国民の福祉に重点を置く政策
    • a policy which gives priority to the welfare of the people
    • 消防署は管内のホテルを重点的に点検した
    • In making inspections, the fire department concentrated [focused its attention] on the hotels in its jurisdiction.
    • 本会は会員の親睦を重点的な目標としている
    • It is the chief aim of our society to promote friendship among the members.

