1. 〔割り当てる〕assign;〔充当する〕allot ((shares to persons))
    • 彼を警備に充てよう
    • Let's assign him to the security crew.
    • 2,000万円を家の建築費に充てた
    • I 「set aside [earmarked/allotted] twenty million yen for building a house.
    • 1日2時間を英語の勉強に充てている
    • She [He] allocates two hours a day to studying English.
  1. I
  1. 1〔ぶつける〕hit
    • ボールにバットをまっすぐに当てる
    • hit a ball squarely with a bat
    • 車を門に当ててしまった
    • I ran the car into the gate.
  1. 2〔命中させる〕hit
    • 的の真ん中に当てた
    • I hit the bull's-eye./I hit the target right in the center.
  1. 3〔さらす〕expose ((a thing to a thing))
    • 赤ちゃんの頭を日に当てないように
    • Don't expose your baby's head to the sun.
    • 植木鉢を日に当てた
    • I put the potted plants in the sun.
  1. 4〔あてがう,つける〕put; apply ((a thing to a thing))
    • 口に手を当ててあくびをかみ殺した
    • He put his hand over his mouth to suppress a yawn.
    • 氷嚢ひょうのうを病人の額に当てた
    • I 「placed an icepack on [applied an icepack to] the patient's forehead.
    • 戸に耳を当てた
    • He pressed his ear against the door.
    • どうぞ座布団をお当てください
    • Please take [use] a (floor) cushion.
    • ズボンのひざに継ぎを当てた
    • I sewed patches on the knees of my trousers.
  1. II
  1. 1〔いい結果・賞などを得る〕
    • くじを引いて2等賞を当てた
    • I drew the second prize in the lottery.
    • 株で一山当てた
    • He made a fortune on the stock market.
  1. 2〔正しく推量する〕guess;〔予測する〕foresee ((that))
    • 当ててごらん
    • Make a guess!/Guess!
    • うまく当てた
    • I guessed right./I hit on the right answer.
    • 当て損なう
    • guess wrong
    • まぐれで答えを当てた
    • He answered correctly out of pure luck.
    • 彼は試合の行方を当てた
    • His prediction about the game proved right.
  1. 3〔指名してやらせる〕
    • 田中君を当てて第1段落を読ませた
    • I called on Tanaka to read the first paragraph.
  1. address

