1. 1〔洗濯〕wash; washing ⇒あらいもの(洗い物)
    • 下洗い
    • preliminary washing
    • この布地は洗いがきく
    • This material is washable.
    • 服を洗いに出す
    • send clothing to the laundry
    • その背広は洗いに出してある
    • That suit is at the cleaner's.
  1. 2〔刺身の〕slices of fresh raw fish chilled in icy water
  1. 洗い桶おけ〔洗濯おけ〕a washtub;〔食器洗いの〕 《米》 a dishpan,《英》 a washing-up bowl
  1. 洗い髪freshly washed hair (hanging loosely down a woman's back)
  1. 洗い場〔洗濯場〕a laundry corner;〔ふろ場で〕space next to a bathtub for washing the body;〔食器などの〕a sink, a tub, a basin
  1. 1〔性質などが強く激しい〕violent;〔乱暴な〕rough
    • 荒い扱い方
    • rough treatment [handling]
    • 荒い海
    • a rough sea/《文》 turbulent waters
    • 彼は気性が荒い
    • He has a violent temper./〔口〕He is a rough customer.
    • 彼は言葉遣いが荒い
    • He uses harsh [violent/coarse] language./He is rough in speech./He has a rough tongue.(▼harshは冷酷な,violentは激情的な,coarseは粗野で下品な,roughは粗暴な感じを含む)
  1. 2〔勢いが激しい〕
    • 荒い呼吸をする
    • pant/breathe hard
    • 彼は人使いが荒い
    • He works his men hard./He is a slave driver.
    • 彼女は金遣いが荒かった
    • She spent her money recklessly [freely].
  1. 1〔細かでない〕coarse
    • 粗い粉
    • coarse powder
    • 粗い布地
    • coarse material
    • 粗い目のふるい
    • a sieve of large mesh
    • 粗いしまの布
    • a piece of cloth with broad stripes
    • 布を粗い針目で縫い合わせた
    • She sewed the pieces of cloth together using large stitches.
  1. 2〔ざらざらしている〕rough
    • きめの粗い木
    • wood of rough texture
  1. 3〔大ざっぱな〕rough;〔おざなりの〕perfunctory
    • 粗い細工
    • rough workmanship
    • 粗い仕上げ
    • a rough finish
    • 粗い磨き方
    • rough polishing
    • 粗い調査
    • a perfunctory [slapdash] investigation
    • 彼は仕事が粗い
    • He does his work any which way.

