1. a (sea) mussel

    意外な unexpected; surprising

    • 意外にも
    • unexpectedly/to one's surprise
    • 事件は意外な方向へ発展した
    • The case took an unexpected turn.
    • このソナタは意外に易しかった
    • I found this sonata easier than I had expected.
    • 君にここで会えるとは意外な喜びだ
    • What a pleasant surprise to see you here!
    • 彼が落第したとは意外だ
    • I am surprised to hear that he failed (in) his examination.
    • 意外なことに女性は長距離競走に体が適していることが分かった
    • Contrary to general belief, women have proved to be physically well adapted for long-distance races.
    • 彼が盗みをはたらいたとは全く意外だ
    • He was the last person that I would have suspected of stealing [theft].
  1. a (dead) body; a corpse; the [a person's] remains
  1. 1〔…を除いて〕except; but
    • 彼は小説以外には何も読まない
    • He reads nothing but [except] novels.
    • この子が身に着けているものは靴以外は母親の手作りだ
    • Except for her shoes, everything this child has on was made by her mother.
    • 少し疲れているという以外には別になんともありません
    • There's nothing wrong with me except that I am a little tired.
    • 本校生徒以外は校外に出てください
    • People other than the students of this school are requested to leave the (school) premises.
    • この会社の従業員はほとんど東京以外の人だ
    • Most of the employees of this firm are [come] from outside (of) Tokyo.
  1. 2〔…のほかに〕besides; in addition to
    • ヨーロッパ旅行でフランス以外にどんな国へ行きましたか
    • What countries besides France did you visit on your tour of [in] Europe?
    • 必修科目以外に選択科目を最低5科目履修しなければならない
    • In addition to required subjects, we must take at least five electives.
    • unexpectedness
    • [参考]「意外な」「意外に」のように形容詞や副詞の形で用いられることが多い。

