1. clothes;〔総称〕clothing;〔芝居・舞踊の〕costumes
    • 彼女は衣装持ちだ
    • She has a large wardrobe./She has a lot of clothes.
    • 彼らはよい[みすぼらしい/質素な]衣装を着けている
    • They are well [shabbily/simply] dressed.
    • 花嫁衣装
    • a wedding dress [gown]
    • 芝居の衣装
    • theatrical costumes
    • マレーシアの民族衣装
    • the national costume of Malaysia
    • 馬子にも衣装
    • ((諺)) Clothes make the man.
  1. 衣装係a theatrical costumer; a dresser
  1. 衣装掛け〔衣桁いこう〕a kimono display frame;〔衣紋えもん掛け〕a clothes hanger
  1. 衣装だんすa wardrobe; a closet
  1. 衣装箱a clothing storage box
  1. 衣装部屋a walk-in closet(▼個人の家の)
  1. 1〔趣向〕an idea;〔工夫〕a device
    • 意匠を凝らす
    • devise [work out] an elaborate plan
  1. 2〔デザイン〕a design ⇒デザイン
    • 彼は斬新な意匠を考案した
    • He thought out an original design.
    • 凝った意匠の家具
    • elaborately designed furniture
  1. 意匠家a designer; an artistic designer
  1. 意匠登録registration of designs

