1. 〔一般に〕a gourd [ɡɔ́ːrd|ɡúəd];〔まくわうり〕an oriental melon;〔きゅうり〕a cucumber;〔しろうり〕a pickling melon
  1. 瓜の蔓つるには茄子なすびはならぬLike father, like son./An onion will not produce a rose.
    • 二人は瓜二つだ
    • Those two are 「exactly alike [as like as two peas (in a pod)].
    • 売りに出す
    • offer [put up] a thing for sale/put a thing on the market
    • 彼は店を売りに出した
    • He put his shop up for sale.
    • その喫茶店は売りに出ている
    • The coffee shop is up for sale.
    • 相場の下落を予想して彼は売りに回った
    • 〔株式で〕He expected stocks [《英》 share prices] to drop, so he decided to sell.
  1. 売り気配〔株式で〕the asked price; the asked quotation
  1. 売り注文〔株式で〕a sell order
    • 証券ブローカーを通じて売り注文を入れる
    • place a sell order through a stockbroker
  1. 売り伝票a sell order
  1. 売り呼び値the asked [asking] price

