1. 〔ゴルフで〕オンする 〔人が〕make [put the ball on] the green;〔ボールが〕reach the green
  1. 1おと(音)
    • 車の排気音
    • thesound of [noise from] the car exhaust
  1. 2〔言語の音声〕a sound (in a language)
  1. 3〔字音〕a Chinese-derived pronunciation [reading] of a character
  1. 〔受けた好意〕a favor,《英》 a favour;〔恩義〕an obligation, moral indebtedness
    • ご恩は一生忘れません
    • I will never forget 「your kindness [what you have done for me].
    • あの人は何かやってくれるとすぐ恩に着せる
    • Whenever he does anything for you, he expects you to be terribly grateful.
    • ありがたい,恩に着ます
    • Thank you. I'm deeply indebted to you.
  1. 恩を仇で返すrepay kindness with evil; bite the hand that feeds one
  1. 恩を売るdemand gratitude
    • あいつには昔から恩を売ってあるから私の頼みを断れないさ
    • I've done a lot for him over the years, so when I ask him to do something for me he can't say no.

