1. 1じゅんこう(巡航)しゅうこう(周航)
  1. 2〔船を移す〕
    • 船を清水港に回航させた
    • We brought the ship into Shimizu Harbor.
  1. a seaport
  1. a (submarine) trench; a deep
    • 日本海溝
    • the Japan Trench
  1. 〔開いた入り口〕an opening
    • 通風孔の開口部
    • a ventilation opening
    • このビルは開口部が多い
    • This building has a lot of windows and doors.
    • 彼は開口一番恩師を称えた
    • He began his speech by paying tribute to his teacher.
    • 彼女が開口一番言ったことはそれが相手方の手落ちだということだった
    • The first thing she said was that it was her opponent's fault.

    開校する found [open] a school

  1. 開校記念日the anniversary of the founding of a school
  1. 開校式the opening ceremony of a school

    開港する 〔港,空港を開設する〕open 「a port [an airport];〔外国船の出入を許可する〕open a port ((to foreign ships for trade))


    • 月曜より開講する
    • 〔開始する〕Lectures [Classes] will begin on Monday.
    • 夏期セミナーを開講する
    • 〔催す〕We are going to hold a summer seminar.
    • この大学では他に先駆けて女性学が開講された
    • This university started a course in Women's Studies much earlier than other schools.

